

The Painter is a tool for painting bricks.

Getting Started

To paint a brick, left click. You can hold left click to continue painting across bricks. You can paint both colors and materials.

To copy a color from a brick, use middle click on that brick.

This is the menu for the paint tool.

Paint Menu

Colors and Materials

The colors that you are able to paint with can be changed in the Server Settings using a palette Preset.

Available materials include:

  • Plastic (no slider)
  • Glass
  • Glow
  • Metallic (no slider)
  • Hologram

Default Keybindings

Copy ColorMiddle ClickCopies the color of a brick.
Scroll through PaletteMouse wheel (vertically), E (horizontally)Scrolls through the palette to select a color.
Change MaterialCtrl + ESwitch between scrolling through the colors or materials palette.
Change Material SliderCtrl + Mouse WheelChanges the material slider while scrolling through the materials palette.